
How to destroy a mirror.

A project log for Arcus-3D-P1 - Pick and Place for 3D printers

Open source, mostly 3D printable, lightweight pick and place head for a standard groove mount

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/19/2018 at 06:190 Comments

Everything was looking good.  My mirrors cut perfectly.

I figured out a better way to cut straight lines in glass.  A Post-it note.

Previously I used a straight edge and they were a hot mess.  Just the thickness of the post-it was enough for the carbide wheel in the glass cutter to stay on track and sticks just well enough to stay put (a fresh one that is).

All my cuts were within 0.2mm, and all oversized.  About 2 minutes of wet sanding on each edge and they looked gorgeous.

Then I got the bright idea to scuff the backing paint to make the paint remover work faster.

Fast forward to the end, my ever so light scuffing of course went through in spots and I have scratches through the silver.

I installed them anyway.  Figured I could at least see how my mask was working.

I don't like it.  The mask is all around the mirror here, but extends into the viewing area across the bottom.

I'm going to remove that part of the mask.  I think I'll also paint the rest of the mask with camo black paint next time..

The optics were pretty well aligned right out of the box now though.  I did nothing to the above other than press the mirrors in and assemble it.

Oh... I scratched the plastic cover on the end of the endoscope... so I removed it.  Thought it was glass.  Nope.  In the meantime, I got a shot of my horribly skewed endoscope camera and gob of UV cure fix.

That, is where it is optically aligned to the case.

You get what you pay for.
