
Stars upon thars

Fiber optic star field, L.E.D.

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Moving into a loft was pretty challenging for me, storage space was non-existent so I decided to build a double decker bed so guests would have a place to sleep.

I decided to put in a fiber optic star field ceiling over my bed was pretty simple. I want to create my own circuit for the L.E.D.'s that drive the effect but I wasn't ready. The lights are currently driven by a light engine I purchased - I want to swap that out for my own circuit and arduino type control - Stars and L.E.D.'s controlled by 12v rocker switches.

I put an additional constraint on myself that all materials must be something I owned, found, reused or recycled.

The drywall and 2x4's were salvaged from a construction site nearby, the Cypress strips were left over from a remodel I did at my mom's house several years ago, the fiber optic cable and light engine were left over from an install I had done a few years ago and the aluminum flashing was left from a repair to my building.

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