
Bump in the road

A project log for PixiFlood

Turn any Floodlight into a WS2811 Pixel

aj-reynoldsAJ Reynolds 03/30/2015 at 05:510 Comments

I ran into issues with the targeted Inverter, have to switch to a 74HCT3G04DP,125 to support TTL out of the WS2811.

I am also developed another design that eliminates the inverter and uses 3 4.7K pull-up resistors along with 3 2N3904 transistors. The WS2811 is capable of directly driving the PT4115 but the signals would be reversed making sequencing much more difficult

The choice is how comfortable are you with SMD soldering of the TSS0P8 form factor at .65 pitch. Plus the transistor version is a few cents cheaper for the BOM depending on part source. The 2N3904 can run as cheap as $0.02 each vs the $0.53 single inverter. Throw in the resistors run the total to .09 vs .53.

I have PCB available for both versions.
