
An even better idea - Mute circuit

A project log for Muffsy Stereo Relay Input Selector

Open Source, versatile audio relay input selector controlled by an ESP32

skrodahlskrodahl 01/15/2019 at 06:250 Comments

The design files are available in the files section.

To avoid pops when turning the preamp circuitry on and off, a mute circuit is really useful. So I sacrificed one input and converted the fifth relay to mute. 

The functionality of this board is now:

Here's a quick and dirty drawing in MS Paint to show what I mean:

Picture of the actual board:

Below is the design in Eagle, the big red rectangles are the two separate ground planes. A Post-IT note is 76x76 mm by the way.

Here's the final build.

Arduino Code, Four Inputs and Mute

/* Muffsy Relay Input Selector
 *  Control relays using IR and rotary encoder
 *  Control external power to amp using IR and push button

  * powerState:
  *   0: Boot
  *     powerOn()
  *       startup procedure
  *       read NVRAM (relayCount)
  *       set relays to off (previousRelay = relayCount)
  *       set power amp to off, SSR = LOW
  *   1: Powered ON
  *       turn on power button LED
  *       set power amp to on, SSR = HIGH
  *       trigger relayOn(): previousRelay = relayCount + 1
  *     rotaryEncoder()
  *       increases or decreases relayCount depending on rotational direction
  *       pushbutton: Power ON/OFF
  *       does only Power ON if powerState == 2
  *     irRemote()
  *       input up/down
  *       input direct (buttons 1-5)
  *       power on/off
  *       does only Power ON if powerState == 2
  *     relayOn()
  *       activates relays based on the relayCount
  *       handles relayCount too high or low
  *     powerControl()
  *       read power button, set powerState accordingly
  *    2: Powered OFF
  *     turn off all relays
  *     set power amp to off (SSR = LOW)
  *     powerControl()
  *       read power button, set powerState == 1 if pushed
  *     irRemote()
  *       read power button, set powerState == 1 if pushed

 // Libraries
 #include <IRremote.h> // IR Remote Library
 #include <EEPROM.h> // EEPROM Library

 //  Size: 1 (relayCount)
 #define EEPROM_SIZE 1

 // Variables, pin definitions

 // Onboard LED/Power LED
 #define LED 2

 // IR Receiver pin and setup
 #define IR_Recv 13
 IRrecv irrecv(IR_Recv);
 decode_results results;
 // Power button
 #define poweronButton 14

 // Pins for the rotary encoder:
 #define rotaryA 35
 #define rotaryB 34

 // Relays
 #define R1 23
 #define R2 22
 #define R3 21
 #define R4 19
 #define R5 18

 //Solid State Relay
 #define SSR 17

 // Rotary Encoder variables
 int counter = 0; 
 int previous = 0;
 int aState;
 int aPreviousState;  

 // Relay Array
 int relays[] = {23, 22, 21, 19, 18};

 // Relay variables
 int relayCount;
 int previousRelay;
 int relayNumber;

 // Power/Mute variables
 int powerState;
 int buttonState = 1;       // the current reading from the input pin
 int lastButtonState = 1;   // the previous reading from the input pin
 unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggled
 unsigned long debounceDelay = 50;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers
 int mute = 0; // Mute on/off (1/0)

 // Setup
 void setup() { 

   // Power button
   pinMode (poweronButton,INPUT_PULLUP);
   // Onboard LED
   pinMode (LED,OUTPUT);
   // Rotary Encoder
   pinMode (rotaryA,INPUT);
   pinMode (rotaryB,INPUT);

   // Reads the initial state of the rotaryA
   aPreviousState = digitalRead(rotaryA); 

   // Relays
   pinMode (R1,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (R2,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (R3,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (R4,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (R5,OUTPUT);
   pinMode (SSR,OUTPUT);

   // Relay variables
   relayCount =;
   previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Start out not matching relayCount???

   // Start the IR Receiver
   //pinMode(IR_Recv, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
   irrecv.enableIRIn(true); // Starts the receiver
    * powerStates:
      * 0: Powering on
      * 1: Powered on
      * 2: Powered off
   powerState = 0;
   mute = 0; // Mute on/off (1/0)

   // Serial monitor
   Serial.begin (115200);

 * Main program
 void loop() {
  if (powerState == 0) {
  } else if (powerState == 1){
    rotaryEncoder(); // Include Push = MUTE
    powerControl(); // Read power button
    irRemote(); // Up, Down, Direct, Volume, MUTE, Power
  } else {
    rotaryEncoder(); // Rotary push button is temporarily power button???
    powerControl(); // Read power button
    irRemote(); // Power on/off only

  * Turn on current relay
void relayOn() {
  // If relayCount has changed: Turn on the selected relay (next, previous, direct)
  // If previousRelay has changed: Turn on the last selected relay
  if (relayCount != previousRelay) {

    // Rollover 3 or 0
    if (relayCount > 3) {
      relayCount = 0;
    } else if (relayCount < 0) {
      relayCount = 3;

    // Turn off all relays, then turn on relayCount
    digitalWrite(relays[relayCount], HIGH);

    // Stop IR, write relayCount to memory, start IR
    Serial.print("[]: Written \"relayCount = ");
    Serial.println("\" to save slot 0");
   // Reset counters, output relayNumber
   previousRelay = relayCount;
   relayNumber = relayCount + 1;
   Serial.print("[]: Activated relay #");

   // If circuit is muted, unmute
   if (mute == 1) {
    Serial.println("[]: Waiting 1.5 seconds before turning off mute");


 * Power on amplifier
void powerOn() { // Only called if powerState is 0 (Powering on)
    Serial.println("\n       --- ---\n");
    Serial.println("The Muffsy Relay Input Selector has woken up!\n");
    Serial.print(" ** Reading saved relay state from NVRAM: ");
    mute = 1;
    Serial.println("\n ** Mute Relay turned ON");
    Serial.println(" ** All input relays are turned OFF");
    Serial.println(" ** Solid State Relay is turned OFF\n");
    digitalWrite (SSR,LOW);
    Serial.println(" ** Startup completed - waiting for Power ON\n");
    Serial.println("       -------------------------\n");
    // Set powerState to 2 (Powered off):
    powerState = 2;

 * Read powerbutton, turn on or off
void toggleMute() {
    if (mute == 0) {
      Serial.println("[]: Mute relay turned ON\n");
      mute = 1;
    } else {
      Serial.println("[]: Mute relay turned OFF\n");
      mute = 0;

 * Read powerbutton, turn on or off
void powerControl() {
    int reading = digitalRead(poweronButton);

    if (reading != lastButtonState) {
      lastDebounceTime = millis();

    if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer than the debounce
    // delay, so take it as the actual current state:

    // if the button state has changed:
    if (reading != buttonState) {
      buttonState = reading;

      // only toggle the LED if the new button state is HIGH
      if (buttonState == 1) {
        Serial.println("[]: Power button pushed");
        if (powerState == 1) { // Turning power OFF: All relays OFF, power amp OFF
          powerState = 2;
          digitalWrite (SSR,LOW);
          digitalWrite (LED,LOW);
          if (mute == 0) {
          Serial.println("[]: Solid State Relay OFF");
          Serial.println("[]: Power OFF\n");
        } else if (powerState == 2) { // Turning power ON: Last selected relay ON, power amp ON
          powerState = 1;
          digitalWrite (SSR,HIGH);
          digitalWrite (LED,HIGH);
          previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Trigger relayOn()
          Serial.println("[]: Power ON");
          Serial.println("[]: Solid State Relay ON\n");
  lastButtonState = reading;

  * IR Remote
void irRemote() { // Start irRemote function

    // Decode the infrared input
      // Decodes the infrared input
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    long int decCode = results.value;
    Serial.print("[]: Received IR code: ");
    // Switch case to use the selected remote control button
    switch (results.value) { // Start switch/case
      case 7770223: // Relay 1
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"1\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 0;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7774303: // Relay 2
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"2\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 1;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7766143: // Relay 3
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"3\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 2;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7787053: // Relay 4
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"4\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            relayCount = 3;
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7748293: // Mute
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"Mute\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7742173: // Channel UP
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"UP\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7738093: // Channel DOWN
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"DOWN\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
          } else {
            Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n");

      case 7745743: // Power button
          Serial.println("[]: Button \"POWER\"");
          if (powerState == 1) {
            powerState = 2;
            digitalWrite (SSR,LOW);
            digitalWrite (LED,LOW);
            if (mute == 0) {
            Serial.println("[]: Solid State Relay OFF");
            Serial.println("[]: Power OFF\n");
          } else {
            powerState = 1;
            digitalWrite (SSR,HIGH);
            digitalWrite (LED,HIGH);
            previousRelay = relayCount + 1; // Trigger relayOn()
            Serial.println("[]: Power ON");
            Serial.println("[]: Solid State Relay ON\n");

        Serial.println("[]: Going back to waiting for IR remote keypress\n");
    } // End switch/case
    irrecv.resume(); // Receives the next value from the button you press
  } // End irRemote function

  * Mute (turn off all relays)
   void relayOff() {
    for (int off = 0; off <= 3; off++) {
      digitalWrite(relays[off], LOW);

 * Rotary Encoder Control of Relays
 void rotaryEncoder() { 
   aState = digitalRead(rotaryA); // Reads the "current" state of the rotaryA
   // If the previous and the current state of the rotaryA are different, that means a Pulse has occured
   if (aState != aPreviousState){  

     // If the rotaryB state is different to the rotaryA state, that means the encoder is rotating clockwise
     if (digitalRead(rotaryB) != aState) { 
       counter ++;
     } else {
       counter --;

   // What to do if rotating Right of Left 
   if (previous != counter) {
     if (counter > 1) { // Since the encoder gives two signals when turning
       Serial.print("[]: Rotational encoder turned ");

       if (powerState == 1) {
        // Increase relayCount
       } else {
        Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off???
     } else if (counter < -1) { // Since the encoder gives two signals when turning
       Serial.print("[]: Rotational encoder turned ");
       if (powerState == 1) {
        // Increase relayCount
       } else {
        Serial.println("[]: Powered off, doing nothing...\n"); // Powered off???

   // Reset counters
   previous = counter; 
   if (counter < -1) {
    counter = 0;
    previous = 0;
   } else if (counter > 1){
    counter = 0;
    previous = 0;
   // Updates the previous state of the rotaryA with the current state
   aPreviousState = aState; 


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