
Smart Hydroponic GreenHouse

A Hydroponic/Greenhouse system that has been automated as much as possible to remove the maintenance burden of these systems from the user.

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Hydroponic and Greenhouse Systems have been proven to be a great way of growing fresh produce. Especially in areas where space or environment is unsuitable. This project is my attempt to create a smart desktop greenhouse system that requires minimal maintenance (after initial setup) from the user by automating various tasks, but still keep the user updated to the status of their plants (via mobile app/notifications). It's a great opportunity to mix gardening and technology.

Plant Icon made by Freepik( is licensed by CC BY 3.0

Hydroponic and Greenhouse Systems have been proven to be a great way of growing fresh produce. Especially in areas where space or environment is unsuitable. This project is my attempt to create a smart desktop greenhouse system that requires minimal maintenance (after initial setup) from the user by automating various tasks, but still keep the user updated to the status of their plants (via mobile app/notifications). It's a great opportunity to mix gardening and technology.

The basic overview of the technology:

- I'm creating an app that will allow the user to control the 'GreenHouse'. I'm currently looking at using the CC2650 from TI for bluetooth communications.

- The main board will be Arduino based (the main reason is to make it easily hackable by anybody that has Arduino experience).

- Different plants require different conditions. I need to keep a database of all the data and have decided to go with the SST26VF032 flash chip from Microchip

- Lastly is that I want to create a nice panel on the greenhouse that allow the user to control various things. This is a nice excuse to play with the CRTOUCH platform from freescale.

  • 10 × 3w Red LED
  • 10 × 3w Blue LED
  • 5 × OpenBeam (meter)
  • 1 × Lots of m3 screws and nuts. Various sizes
  • 1 × ATmega328p Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers

View all 8 components

  • Slowly but surely :)

    Tom Van den Bon06/29/2015 at 12:10 0 comments

    I got some time to work on my greenhouse this weekend. I'm slowly getting all the supplies together and putting together the frame. The openbeam is great and I've been lasercutting and printing various brackets to play with different options for assembly.

    Here are some photos of the frame coming together and some of the stuff I got for this project:

  • Getting Started

    Tom Van den Bon06/15/2015 at 12:54 0 comments

    ok, so I managed to get going with my project this weekend. I'm starting with the physical aspect of the build. Building a frame that will hold everything and become the 'GreenHouse'. I started putting together a frame using acrylic and openbeam. I like the idea of using openbeam since I can easily 3d print or lasercut brackets to connect stuff together. It's my first project with openbeam so I'm learning a few things while working with it. This includes cutting it nicely and different ways to connect it all. I settled on lasercutting some l-corners. The plan is to lasercut some white acrylic for the sides.

    Current Status

    About half of the frame is built. I also started collecting various bit and pieces for the rest. Current project inventory includes the following:

    • 10 3w Red LED's
    • 10 3w Blue LED's
    • LED Driver
    • Some openbeam and acrylic
    • Various plastic containers

    It took a while but I'm glad I'm up and running. Expect lot more frequent updates and photos :)

View all 2 project logs

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Ivan Stepaniuk wrote 04/16/2020 at 21:35 point

Hi Tom, did you make any progress with this project? cheers. ps: your website looks like defaced by some worpress worm

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AVR wrote 05/03/2015 at 21:52 point

Looking forward to seeing how your project develops, I'm also working on a autonomous hydro/soil garden controller myself.

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Tom Van den Bon wrote 06/15/2015 at 13:03 point

Awesome thanks :) I had a look at yours and it looks great!

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