

A WiFi-Based (WeMos D1-Mini) Lightswitch with sensor and button.

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This lightswitch is a bit smarter than other ones.

Why did I build it?
I live in a room where I'm not allowed to change the electrics (rented apartment).
Therefore I taped a servo, a WeMos and a powersupply to the lightswitch.
It is controllable via pilight (there is a extra switch running on my server) or http request.

Why is it smarter?
Because there is a reed-switch at it to detect the state of the switch.
If I change the switch manually, pilight updates the state too.
Also it only switches the servo-position if it's necessary. (No noisy servo-sound if the switch is actually off and there is a new off-command)
Also there is a button at it to send a signal at my server.
If the button is pressed, the WeMos-LED will light up.
  • 1 × Servo
  • 1 × Reed switch
  • 1 × WeMos D1 mini
  • 1 × Button
  • 1 × 5V Powersupply

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