
State of Play August 17

A project log for SentriFarm

Solving a key farming problem: is it safe to harvest / spray / sow today? (+experiments with 'big' data in agriculture)

pastcomputepastcompute 08/17/2015 at 11:370 Comments

We will be uploading our video Real Soon Now.

To date, we have assembled circuits to build four configuration combinations of sensor module, although until further components arrive we can presently only have one pair of any configuration combination operational at a time.

We have working minimum operational software for Linux and for the Arduino framework, and have run a basic telemetry feed overnight between buildings on my properly.

The main bulk of work (apart from building additional modules so we can have a pair deployed with the solar power to a paddock at the same time as a pair on the workbench for development) remaining is software and antennas : (a) coding in the additional sensors, tuning the protocols, and integration with OpenHAB, and (b) extending the range out to the 10+km the inAir9 radios are advertised as capable of. The other major task remaining is concluding development of the enhanced rain gauge.

For a full summary of outstanding implementation refer to the TODO document in github


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