

A project log for SentriFarm

Solving a key farming problem: is it safe to harvest / spray / sow today? (+experiments with 'big' data in agriculture)

pastcomputepastcompute 03/22/2015 at 01:441 Comment

So I just realised there seems to be no easy way to back up this area. Also I might be in danger of flooding too much information.

I think I'll need to do some housekeeping and tidying soon; I'll possibly start putting the design information into the git repository instead with a summary here, and for extended project logs I'll probably use my block for extended detail and link to there with shorter updates...


pastcompute wrote 03/22/2015 at 01:45 point

My sensor core now build ans works as a one-shot wifi scanner. Now I can concentrate on the sensor readings and timing algorithm.

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