
Minor Setbacks (I hope)

A project log for Pi Car Stereo

Raspberry Pi based car stereo system

brandon-hartBrandon Hart 03/16/2015 at 03:432 Comments

I've been using OpenELEC for my RPi system because it's quite fast and seems to have all of the options I want, mostly. However, today I hit a bit of a snag. In order to enable the rotary encoder I plan to use for my volume control and mute functions, I need to use the GPIO, which means installing the WiringPi library. I'll also need the GPIO for my ignition switch & power supply. But apparently OpenELEC won't allow apt-get at all so I can't install libraries that aren't listed in the Add-Ons. LAME.

So, I'm going to try switching to RaspBMC/OSMC and see if that will allow me to use the GPIO and also the DAC.

In other unfortunate news, I got the touch screen running, but the USB Touch Screen Controller (AR1100) that I got from Adafruit isn't working right at all. It is twitchy and puts the mouse cursor in the wrong place, then moves it in the opposite direction my finger is moving. And the configuration utility doesn't even recognize that it's plugged in. A quick google search reveals that I'm not alone. Super.

Ordered another one and will return this one if the new unit works correctly.


Jeff wrote 03/20/2015 at 20:00 point

Those are very annoying setbacks. You're making good progress, though. Keep it up!

What about adding an app for an OBD2 code reader? Most of these can read many different things while the car is running and can tell you many interesting things about your car and definitely help you diagnose problems!

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Brandon Hart wrote 03/20/2015 at 21:39 point

Thanks Jeff!  Yes, an OBDII interface is definitely a consideration further down the road (I've already got the parts to do it with).  But it's not a priority at this point.  I'm focusing on the entertainment stuff first, then I'll add the "extras" afterward.  The list of "extras" I want to add to it keeps growing everyday...

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