
Raster 2 Laser GCode generator

Raster 2 Laser GCode generator is an extension to generate Gcode for a laser cutter/engraver (or pen plotter).

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Raster 2 Laser GCode generator is an extension to generate Gcode for a laser cutter/engraver (or pen plotter), it can generate various type of outputs from a simple B&W (on/off) to a more detailed Grayscale (pwm).

[Code on github ]

1) Resize the inkscape document to match the dimension of your working area on the laser cutter/engraver (Shift+Ctrl+D)

2) Draw or import the image then To run the extension go to: Extension > 305 Engineering > Raster 2 Laser GCode generator

3) Play!


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Rjpope42 wrote 01/04/2016 at 06:34 point

Just wanted to let you know it works great, and I like it!

The only feature request I would have is a power scalar multiplier, where you could do something like set "black" to half power, to keep from having to adjust the  power manually every time.


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oni305 wrote 01/05/2016 at 13:08 point

It's already scheduled, but i'm pretty busy right now

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dechemist wrote 12/13/2015 at 19:07 point


nice plugin ! I just tested it with my laser plotter ( and it works great ! I will update my blog with a picture of the result soon.

I just have to find good parameters (speed and laser power) to engrave thick paper and dont burn through :) Ply wood should work with full power and F100 though.

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oni305 wrote 12/14/2015 at 16:15 point

Thanks ^_^

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eschuyler wrote 05/12/2015 at 16:02 point


Never mind - I'm an idiot! I downloaded your files individually *with HTML formatting*, instead of the ZIP file. Once I got the correct files, everything works fine.


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oni305 wrote 05/12/2015 at 21:08 point

excellent  ^^

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eschuyler wrote 05/12/2015 at 15:49 point

Hello Stefano,

I am trying to install your Inkscape extension. I have Inkscape 0.91 (Windows) installed, and I copied the three files into the Inkscape\share\extensions folder. When I run Inkscape, your extension is not listed. I ran and got many error messages when it tried to create the Raster2Laser extension. Can you suggest what I'm doing wrong? I can send a file of all of the messages, if that would help.


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IW0HJZ wrote 04/05/2015 at 08:47 point

Hi Stefano, nice , it work for me.

I'm following even the forum on open build about your board.

Great job, would like to ask about laser U use....iw0hjzatgmaildotcom is my address.

Once again , good job.

ciao Alberto

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oni305 wrote 04/09/2015 at 16:45 point

one of my mail is   305engineering at gmail dot com

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IW0HJZ wrote 04/03/2015 at 15:43 point

Hi oni305, yep probabily you are right, this work only for fix theresold.

At the moment I'm play with the various parameters.... a lot of  possibilities.

Thanks again, at the moment I'm using a gbrl firmware with a protoneer shield on arduino uno.

following the upgrades.....

alberto IW0HJZ

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oni305 wrote 04/04/2015 at 13:12 point

In any case, I have already added your suggestions to the code!  :D
Now the generated  files have a suffix to show some more info over the filename.

Comunque ho già aggiunto i tuoi suggerimenti al codice! :D
Ho aggiunto un suffisso ai file per mostrare pù informazioni oltre al nome

Stefano oni305

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IW0HJZ wrote 03/30/2015 at 20:51 point

Hi there, I'm tryng your script on my homemade laser engrave, really simple one, based on grbl firmware and it work pretty well.

I have had  a problem with universal gcode sender(java) because the first line in the gcode ( seem to be too long), modified the code with a short "generated 305".

Do you think will be possible to use the theresold number in fix b/w option as numeric part of the file name, this will help to select the right file on the fly only looking at the name.

Ciao , grazie per l'ottimo script che funziona molto bene, lo sto provando in questi giorni con un semplice laser.

Sarebbe possibile modificare lo script mettendo come suffisso numerico il valore di soglia scelto nella maschera delle opzioni?

permetterebbe di sapere al volo quale soglia e' la migliore.

Ottimo lavoro, great job thanks

alberto IW0HJZ

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oni305 wrote 04/02/2015 at 22:15 point

Thanks for the reply!
I'll edit the extension to correct the issue un the first line of the Gcode.
Yes it's possible to ad the number of the value of the b/w threshold to the
filename, but it make sense only for the fixed threshold algorithm,
because the other don't use that parameter they use random threshold (as
the name say), average (Halftone) or the exact value (grayscale).

Grazie per la risposta!
Modificherò l'estensione per correggere questo problema che mi hai segnalato!
Per aggiungere il suffisso al nome del file è possibile, però ha senso solo
se si sceglie la soglia fissa, gli altri algoritmi non usano quel
parametro, usano una soglia random (come dice il nome), la media
(Halftone) o il valore esatto (scala di grigio) .

Stefano  oni305

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