The Health Mate bracelet is a device that allows hospitals and/or individuals to track their pacients/self status in real time remotely for a better understanding of what the underlying body metrics (heart rate, temperature, humidity, oxygen levels) mean, and analyze the data for diagnosing or prioritizing pacients in real time when needed (e.g. a crowded ER room with people wearing the Health Mate provide enough data to observe the individual and act immediatly on the pacient that needs immediate care), and also provide long-term observations in changes of bodily functions that could point out severe disorders occuring even before they become life-threatening by analyzing data using machine learning and providing notifications to the individual wearing it.
- Hospital use ( ER rooms and non-invasive patient monitoring )
- Personal use ( Smartphone app for instant detection of changes of vital conditions )
We want to make the world better by keeping our fellow humans alive !
Opto and Fiber Optic Semiconductors and ICs / Photodiodes
Power Management ICs / Power Supply Support
First connection of the Health Mate bracelet to the programming interface using ESPlorer and NodeMCU flasher, using the API to check the values of the fotodiode used for pulse detection.
We are really glad to see that the circuitry worked on first try and programming this platform is as easy as connecting the FTDI -> USB converter to the PC and running 2 programs ( the ESP 8266 flasher , and the ESPlorer ). The ESPlorer provides us with an easy to use interface for real-time coding and debugging, as well as shortcuts for easier configuration of the WiFi module in various settings ( Acces Point, Station, Repeater, etc. ).
Below we have attached the first photos of Ionut's pulse read by via the ESP8266 module :
After some analysis of the feature requirements of the project, we have switched from an Arduino platform to a ESP8266 SoC for easier WiFi connectivity and deployment. We are now working on the PCB, designed especially for the ESP8266 with connection to our I2C temperature and humidity sensor and the fotodiode used for pulse detection ( and as an extension - blood oxygen levels ).
It all started few weeks ago when my grandma , an 82 year old woman , got a cold . Few days have passed and she is feeling sicker and sicker , me and family facing an bad situation beacause she didn't wanted to go to doctor anymore , partially due to the problem i am going to describe. In the end she ended up in calling the ambulance , got to the hospital , and here it goes , an 82 year woman needing to wait for 6 hours before getting any proper care or treatment . Here is where i felt like i need to know more about her vital signs right there , but without needing the equipment that the doctors anyway didn't had it.That day , there were 24 people in a que , none being vital signs monitored or something like this .If something happend they were in the need to scream for help , because there is no way to show in an automatic mode if a pacient is getting bad in a short or very short time.THIS IS THE SITUATION IN MOST HOSPITAL IN ROMANIA.
So here it is . An basic brecelet that contains heartrate \oxyometer and temperature for a basic vital signs monitoring , all showed on an base that displays up to 20 sensors data's , single or multi mode view , a base that can also charge the bracelets when not in use . I am showing for now the basic block diagram (subiect to changes) , soon the estimated time and money for development and production targets.
This is for now the problem and the little solve i am trying to do .I hope the first 20 bracelest to go for free to that hospital my grandma was in.
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Nice guys! Keep up the good work. I would love to see many more Romanians hitting the Hackaday website and competitions. Yeah Radu Motisan makes a point there, I leave in diaspora and Med. Care is an issue all over the world ...
Nu e corect sa generalizezi experiente personale. Ai fi putut sa spui "A device to help medical care in Romanian hospitals." si ar fi sunat mult mai pozitiv . E doar un sfat. Succes!
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