
Software Implementation #1

A project log for Health Mate

A device that is changing the bad medical care in Romanian hospitals.It's does so by monitoring Heartbeats Oxigen Temperature of a pacient.

radytz1x4radytz1x4 08/17/2015 at 14:460 Comments

First connection of the Health Mate bracelet to the programming interface using ESPlorer and NodeMCU flasher, using the API to check the values of the fotodiode used for pulse detection.

We are really glad to see that the circuitry worked on first try and programming this platform is as easy as connecting the FTDI -> USB converter to the PC and running 2 programs ( the ESP 8266 flasher , and the ESPlorer ). The ESPlorer provides us with an easy to use interface for real-time coding and debugging, as well as shortcuts for easier configuration of the WiFi module in various settings ( Acces Point, Station, Repeater, etc. ).

Below we have attached the first photos of Ionut's pulse read by via the ESP8266 module :
