Before doing the programming of the onboard PIC microcontroller, I made a LaTeX documentation of my system so I can easily refer to it and update it as I code. I change some pin assignment due to the PIC IO limitation. The RA3 is an example, the pin is input only therefore I connected it to one of my push button. The USB PIC16F1455 Breakout Board was very useful to test and debug my programming prior flashing my TV.
In order to perform tests during my development, I setup a test bench with my BusPirateV4. I wrote a BASIC script to easily generate my test signals. With my test system behaving as I wanted, I flashed the onboard PIC. The display can now be turned On/Off, put into standby. The control of the 5V USB power regulator allow to power up the Raspberry PI. The USB power regulator will be turn off when no signal is detected from the HDMI and the USB serial connection is not active. The USB serial connection allow to control the screen from a terminal. The USB and Display output can be over-written. The LED is also controlled and dim via the serial.
10 PRINT "Setting IO ..." 11 LET D=255 13 PRINT "HDMI <> MOSI" 14 LET D=D&254 15 PRINT "LCD PG <> CLK" 16 LET D=D&253 17 PRINT "LCD PWR <> MISO" 18 PRINT "USB PWR <> CS" 19 PRINT "D="; 20 PRINT D 21 SEND D 22 PSU 1 23 PRINT "Done" 30 PRINT "Menu :" 31 PRINT "1-HDMI" 32 PRINT "2-LCD PG" 34 PRINT "3-END" 35 PRINT "4-Loop Test" 50 GOSUB 3000 51 LET H=(R&1) 52 LET P=(R&2)/2 53 LET L=(R&4)/4 54 LET U=(R&8)/8 55 PRINT "HDMI : ";H;" LCD PG : ";P 56 PRINT "LCD PWR : ";L;" USB PWR : ";U 57 INPUT "Select",S 58 IF S=1 THEN GOTO 200 59 IF S=2 THEN GOTO 300 61 IF S=3 THEN GOTO 1000 62 IF S=4 THEN GOTO 400 63 IF S=5 THEN GOTO 500 64 GOTO 30 200 PRINT "HDMI value" 201 GOSUB 2000 202 PRINT "HDMI Set to ";V 203 LET V=V&1 204 GOSUB 3000 205 LET R=R&254 206 LET R=R|V 207 PRINT R 208 SEND R 209 GOTO 50 300 PRINT "LCD PG value" 301 GOSUB 2000 302 PRINT "LCD PG Set to ";V 303 LET V=V&1 304 LET V=V*2 305 GOSUB 3000 306 LET R=R&253 307 LET R=R|V 308 PRINT R 309 SEND R 310 GOTO 50 400 PRINT "Test PG" 401 FOR B=1 TO 10 402 LET M=253 403 LET V=2 404 GOSUB 4000 405 PRINT B;"PG (1)" 406 DELAY 5000 407 LET M=253 408 LET V=0 409 GOSUB 4000 410 PRINT B;"PG (0)" 411 DELAY 2000 412 NEXT B 413 GOTO 50 500 PRINT "Test HDMI" 501 FOR B=1 TO 10 502 LET M=254 503 LET V=1 504 GOSUB 4000 505 PRINT B;"-HDMI (1)" 506 DELAY 5000 507 LET M=254 508 LET V=0 509 GOSUB 4000 510 PRINT B;"-HDMI (0)" 511 DELAY 2000 512 NEXT B 513 GOTO 50 1000 PRINT "All Off & Input" 1001 SEND 0 1002 SEND 255 1003 PSU 0 1004 END 2000 PRINT "1-ON" 2001 PRINT "0-OFF" 2002 INPUT "Value",V 2003 RETURN 3000 LET R=RECEIVE 3001 PRINT "R : ";R 3002 RETURN 4000 LET R=RECEIVE 4001 LET R=R&M 4002 LET R=R|V 4003 SEND R 4004 RETURN
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