
Portable EEG/ERP System Cart (with eye tracking)

EEG, Eye Tracker, Stimulus Presentation and Video Recording on a Tool Cart

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An attempt to build a clinical research system to study children with Zika in Puerto Rico. There were many requirements, but the main ones were that it had to be on a cart, fit through a doorway, be storable in a small footprint and be able to record EEG, present visual and auditory stimuli, provide eye tracking and feed a live video feed to the experimenter. The whole thing also needs to be broken down, crated up, shipped and put back together in working order.

It's a lot of equipment in a very small package, but so far it seems to be working.

This section is currently being populated. Please excuse the lack of details for now.

Requirements (shifting)


The Cart

Have you ever tried to put 10 pounds of shit into a 5 pound sack just to find that they no longer make 5 pound sacks? That's kind of what happened to me here. 

The trend in medical devices is to go sleek and sexy with minimal equipment on a slender stand with a single monitor, keyboard and mouse.  If it was a little bigger, they looked top heavy and easy to tip over. 

I'm not exactly sure what you are supposed to do with these sorts of carts, but I certainly couldn't use one in this project. The main company that makes these carts is Anthro and until about a year before this project started they had a series of nice beefy carts that would have done the job just fine. 

Sadly, I couldn't source any NOS carts so I was left to my own devices here. I started to look for something that could handle 3 monitors, an articulated arm, could hold a PC tower and be bottom loaded to avoid being tipped over. Ideally it would be able to handle being shipped without additional crating.

My favorite option that wasn't used is from Bigfoot Mobile Systems who create equipment carts for the music/entertainment industry. Tough shipping equipment carts with multiple monitors and a low center of gravity. What's not to love? 

Sadly, the setup time from storage to deployment would have been too long. It would have been great once setup, but having to store it each day would have been a pain. I would have to search elsewhere... 



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  • Packing/Shipping Day!

    graham.holt02/21/2018 at 17:26 0 comments

    Last week we finally packed up and handed off our system to the shipping company that will crate the system and transport it to Puerto Rico.

    Anxiety was high, but we got everything together, packed and in boxes for the trip. Seeing it go was tough as we had grown to see the system as another part of the lab. Still, it is good to have the equipment on its way to a new home.

    The official shipping day was 2/15/18.

    Below are some bittersweet moving day photos.

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