
Parts arrive tommorrow, stencils next week and then boards.

A project log for SBHT - VHF DIGITAL RADIO

SBHT is a data/digital voice radio capable of greater than 4 watts of power initially on the VHF Ham bands.

shane-burrellShane Burrell 03/25/2015 at 19:370 Comments

I've been working on base code for the STM32F4 to come up in a OK state for the components while I wait on boards. Everything is on order and stuff should start arriving tomorrow. The RX state is the default and I've also got the basics down for sending a serial stream of data between radios and a quick TDMA test with a set master node. Ideally I'd like to be able to do a half duplex voice channel via TDMA slots on the same frequency. There are a lot of applications but thats step number #1 to get TDMA voice working.
