

S.T.E.A.M. Fabrikarium project is focused on improving capabilities of the differently abled.

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S.T.E.A.M. Fabrikarium is an initiative focused on improving capabilities of the differently abled, conducted by Maker’s Asylum in collaboration with My Human Kit, France. Held under the umbrella of Bonjour India 2017-2018, Fabrikarium will bring together 65 participants and 20 mentors from India and France. The Indo-French partnership will see participants work on projects aimed at helping people overcome different forms of physical disability.

Participants will team up and choose from five existing open source projects and make adaptations, modifications and improvements. The existing projects and the STEAM Fabrikarium projects are listed below:

Profile & Project Quickstart for Hackaday io.pdf

Here is a quick start guide to getting started with creating a profile on

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  • Day #2, 11th Feb

    Anool Mahidharia02/11/2018 at 17:40 1 comment

    Day #2 at the Fabrikarium started off with a quick recap of the various projects to help the participants decide the one they would like to build. Everyone listed out their skill sets and choose a project to work on, followed by some interesting skill-mapping diagrams. By lunch time, all the teams were in place and raring to get started. Post lunch, Binit give a quick short talk on the process of Design Thinking to get everyone in the right frame of mind to get hacking. 

    And then it was time to get started with prototyping. There are going to be at least two Bionico arms being built, and possibly another one based on a design from the Jaipur Foot NGO.

    For the Braille Rap project, which aims to convert a regular 3D printer and turn it in to a braille embossing machine, I was excited to see that my old ShapeOko CNC build was dusted off to be used for this project.

    The e-trotti team plans plans to build a retrofit electric drive mechanism to power regular manual wheelchairs.

    The last team got working on the Flying Wheelchair project, with help from my friend and Asylum Mentor Faisal who is a bicycle designer and mechanic. 

    In the evening, myself, Bodo Hoenen, and Delphine from My Human Kit talked about the importance of documentation and gave a walk through of the interface which the teams will be using to document their projects.

    We wrapped up the day with a panel discussion on Open Source Hardware, chaired by Carine Claude.

  • Day #1, 10th Feb

    Anool Mahidharia02/11/2018 at 16:54 4 comments

    Day 1 at the Fabrikarium started with a round of introductions of the team from My Human Kit (France), the Maker's Asylum (Mumbai) and the participants. Nico Huchet talked about the "My Human Kit" project that he started to help himself and others like him.

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step #1

    Gather an awesome team of kickass hackers

  • 2
    Step #2

    Select a few amazing open source projects that can help people with disabilities and ask the hackers to replicate, improve and build these projects.

  • 3
    Step #3

    Put everyone together under one roof at the Makers Asylum and give them access to tools, facilities and most importantly, Mentors

View all 4 instructions

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