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A project log for Replacement ThinkPad X201 DC Jack Shell

A replacement for the outer shell of a ThinkPad X201 DC input jack

john-westhoffJohn Westhoff 02/13/2018 at 06:070 Comments

I went back to the drawing board, and increased the size of everything by a few tenths of a millimeter. I can't go too big, because then the part won't fit in the ThinkPad. I'm hoping that this will let things fit where they should. To solve my issue about support material being hard to remove, I split the design in half. I'm hoping this will allow me to more easily get the raft material off of the bottom of the part near the slots for the tabs, as I won't have to push tools through the entire part to reach the tabs. I plan on gluing the parts together, which may prove futile as the raft may make the surfaces too rough. In that case I plan on sanding it down, or gluing strips of plastic to the sides of both. I may not even need to hold them together at all, as there isn't much room for them to move within the laptop anyways.


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