The problem
As someone who is passionate about electronics, I know how hard it can be to learn electronics. This situation is a problem because electronics is a very interesting discipline, but it can easily intimidate due to the risks it is often associated with. It is also a problem because our world relies more and more on electronics, and it is important that future generations understand it in order to have more control on their lives.
A few solutions exist, but they are often very expensive, and education should be accessible to anyone.
Blockits: how does it solve it?
The goal is to make a product that can be used by many people, including children and, ideally, that would be fun and easy to use. Another important factor was that it would be better if the solution relied on existing skills rather than forcing the user to develop new ones. Blockits fulfils all these needs:
- it makes learning easy as you can easily remove a block and replace it with another one to test what each component do,
- it has several safety precautions to remove any risk that could be present,
- it relies on existing skills: everybody knows how to play with LEGOs!
- it is fun to use: it is LEGO-compatible so you can embed your circuits in existing creations!
I just saw a finished product like this. You could make yours much cooler than everyone else's if your blocks taught how a cell phone (or other relevant electronic) goes together.