
First Plans

A project log for Poor Man's “Laser” Cutter

Zero Cost Dumpster Diving Solar Project

frankstripodfrankstripod 03/29/2015 at 11:220 Comments

Here is the first item literally saved from a dumpster:
Hitachi Ultrascan HD 43" projection TV model 43FDX01B.

Like most big screen projection tech from the '80's and '90's, every time you moved them there was a large risk of damaging the alignment. In this one the red lens is not only out of front panel adjustable alignment, but the red vertical scan wiggles, so I'm guessing there is a broken part in the red projector.

Peeling off and hanging on by a thread is the original packing sticker protecting the like new looking rear input panel.

First design plans:

I thought it would be cool if I could reverse the direction of light and use the outer shell as the project case.

Lets skip that step, and the visit from the fire department, and move on to the next design.


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