
Weather Map

LED map showing temperature and rainfall for 100 points in the US

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Watching the weather nationwide at a glance, see temperatures rise and fall, watch the rain fall, all from a wireless, wall mounted installation.

A node.js script talks to the weather underground API and asks for the temperature and precip status of the 100 latitude/longitude points mapped to the LEDs and sends the spark core a list. The spark then changes the led colors based on the list it receives.

  • 1 × Spark Core
  • 100 × WS2801 addressable RGB LEDs
  • 1 × 1000uF cap Buffering LED power in
  • 1 × 300-500 ohm resistor on LED data in

  • 1
    Step 1

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Adam Fabio wrote 05/29/2015 at 04:10 point

Great work, Dan! Do you know how much the updates have to be slowed down when using a free API key?

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Matthew Gingerich wrote 03/30/2015 at 02:00 point

Simple, aesthetically pleasing and informative. I like it!

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