
Nearing completion

A project log for GPS+Atomic clock build

Building a GPS-disciplined clock using Rubidium oscillator with DS3231 backup using PPS signals from all sources

paul-leskinenPaul Leskinen 08/14/2015 at 18:380 Comments

It's alive! Everything is wired and almost all mounted in the case. I'm testing the software, and once that checks out, I will (try to) make everything look pretty inside the case. I am currently running in atomic mode--solely based on the Rubidium 1 PPS output.

This turned out to be a bit more challenging that I initially expected. I was not particularly happy with the solderless breadboard approach--I ended up ditching that and bascially just putting pin headers on the nano and plugging everything in to that. I also have a large ground "bus" and 5V "bus" that were made from pin headers. I really would prefer a more robust solution to the ground/5V buses, but that is the way I'm doing it for now.

Here is a shot of the (nearly) completed project.

From left to right, the buttons are main power, Rubdium power, then on the right side are the menu button and select button. Once things are more permanent inside, I will get a picture of that (and maybe use a better camera). Video to follow too.


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