
Project Officially Started

A project log for Smart Greenhouse using a Raspberry Pi & Launchpad

As a part of my work/private investigation regarding sensor networks and Internet of things, I am discovering the works using a toy project.

eelcorouweelco.rouw 03/16/2014 at 18:550 Comments

Finally a good platform for sharing

I've been working for several months on this project. I've paid many visits to eBay and Chinese broker sites to find components. Finally I think I have found the right mix of components for my Smart Greenhouse and then some. 

In my daily life I work as a management consultant working with clients to solve IT management related issues concerning Enterprise Architecture, Innovation and shortly Data Management. My current line of work is a huge deviation from my roots. I've been studying Electrical Engineering and got my PhD as well. 

After several years of fulfilling assignments and helping clients to solve their problems, I noticed a craving for more technology in my working life. These cravings have led to my interest in innovation and Data Management. As I am a firm believer in learning things by doing them, I wanted a pet project.

This is my pet project and I will try to give you some insights, and hopefully inspiration to undertake your own eco friendly and fullfilling project. It'll take probably several years to come to the envisioned end result of this project. 


In the meantime I've discovered a couple of milestones that I want to achieve:


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