
Progress with Atmel Studio

A project log for Cruise Control Preset

This project supplements the existing cruise control in a vehicle, allowing you to automatically set the cruise control to a selected speed.

scott-hammerschmidtScott Hammerschmidt 05/01/2015 at 19:280 Comments

I've done a little bit of work since my last project log. I got distracted by another project, but that has mostly ended so I think I'm back to this one. :)

I did finally manage to get the u8glib sample program to build in Atmel Studio. This was mostly through including the various source files from the library into my project until it would build without errors. I looked briefly at the library section of the project, but it seemed like I needed a compiled library of some sort for this? Having finished, though, I think I need to look again at adding a library. That would save a bunch of work tracking down functions and would make it much more portable to new projects.

As I said, though, I did get it to build. And then I decided I should probably not start programming the VISduino board from Atmel Studio with complex software but should try something simple. So I followed this example to make sure the tools and methods worked. After compiling and then programming (via ISP) the program to make sure it worked, I attempted to connect via debugWire. Atmel studio first said it needed to set the DWEN bit to enable debugWire. I had previously read a note from Atmel warning that if the SPIEN bit was disabled and the DWEN bit was then disabled you couldn't program the board without using high voltage programming. Since the AVR on this board is SMT, I didn't want to mess it up. So I was nervous about this step.

But I said yes, and then it popped up an error saying it couldn't connect via debugWire. "Great" I thought. "I just messed up my board."

I stared at it for awhile, and then I remembered my last project log. The part about removing the capacitor on the rest line. Which I of course had forgotten to do. After doing that I was able to connect and step through the code.

Next step is to program the board with the display test code and see how that works.
