
TYOS 0.4.9

A project log for DIY Smartphone

DIY Smartphone using Raspberry Pi A+, Camera, TFT, and Adafruit FONA with custom mobile OS.

tyspatyspa 06/11/2015 at 20:450 Comments

A couple days ago I released TYOS 0.4.9, below is a list and some pictures of the new features. Note that some of the features were actually released in TYOS 0.3.2.

New Features

Along with that, over 15 bugs were squashed with some help from Todd Riesz. Thanks Todd!

How to Update

  1. Remove old TYOS build with sudo rm -rf tyos
  2. Download new edition with wget
  3. Unzip package with unzip 0.4.9
  4. Rename with mv TYOS-0.4.9 tyos


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