
Stop! Hardware Time.

A project log for Modular Vertical Farming

Growing food where it's needed, ready to be sold.

alphaninjaalpha_ninja 04/27/2015 at 00:120 Comments

To begin with, I'd love to thank you all for following/skulling this project and the Hackaday team for choosing me for the prize last week.

I've been doing some work on the hardware aspect of the project (mostly the module part.)

I started up by whipping this up (please excuse the messiness of the wires):

I tested it, and I²C, FTDI, and ICSP all work great!

Then, I went on to KiCad. I'm not going to post the schematic because it's just too chaotic, but long story short, here's the preliminary board design:

The PCB designA render from KiCad.

I'll be ordering this from OSHPark soon, but I'll go through a lot of revisions before I'll be done. For example, you might have noticed that the above boards don't include the mosfet and connections that will be necessary for the grow lights or the hygrometer connections. I will eventually remove all connections aside from the PCIe-ish connector and those necessary for the lights and the hygrometer.

I'll upload the KiCad Files to the github repo when I feel it's a bit more stable, but if any of you want to see them, just ask.


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