
Upgrading peltier cooling system

A project log for Smart Dew-Point Water Harvester

Harvesting clean drinking water from sunshine.

robert-hartRobert Hart 06/13/2015 at 11:130 Comments

June 20th 2015 New dual peltier cooler liquid cooler.

First run rough power up 12 Volts at 11 amps or 136W

Screws go straight through the heat sink to hold everything clamped.

Achieve -11C per peltier without coolant, the previous design was only -3C

June 19th 2015 more parts arrive, weekend assembly.

June 13 2015 I'm waiting on parts for a new dual peltier cooler system. This design will use different liquid cooling block and 65W peltier coolers. Mounted on a better fan heat sink combination. Bought two of these as they were on special.
