
The Lockdown Bar

A project log for RINNIG Pinball Simulator

Pinball "Minicab" with 24" monitor as playfield, VIsual Pinball software. Genuine plunger, buttons and legs. Arduino controller.

erland-lewinErland Lewin 05/04/2015 at 18:470 Comments

February 13, 2015

Real pinball cabinets have a metal bar across the top of the front of the pinball cabinet, where players rest their hands. It is also the keystone piece to open the cabinet, the coin door is opened to release the lockdown bar, which then allows the removal of the glass, and opening the play field:

A regular lockdown bar wouldn't fit my cabinet, since it is smaller than a standard pinball cabinet. I didn't have access to metalworking tools, so I made my own lockdown bar out of some oak boards.

I took one board, and used a router to make slots where the glass and side rails would be:

I then glued some scrap plywood pieces to match the inside corners of the cabinet:

Finally, I glued some oak strips to the side of the board to make it seem twice as thick, and then sanded down the edges to round them:

It fits really nice and tight to the cabinet. I had intended to have magnets hold it in place, but I don't feel that I need to now.
