
Layouting Rev2 Part 2

A project log for ESP8266 (ESP-07/12) Dev Board

PCB for fast development with ESP-07 / ESP-12 with on board USB to Serial converter and on board lipo charge / protection circuit

alexAlex 06/05/2015 at 21:036 Comments

So I think its done. This is the Version I will order the next days. As long there are no mistakes.

I decided to use red solder mask this time. The main improvements compared to Rev1 are:


davedarko wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:17 point

Good looking board :) I see some resemblance with my board, which is awesome - since I basically started from your design and stripped away all the functions I probably don't need. You might want to also add the ESP12-E which has the SPI pins broken out (I'm not so sure about the functionality of the other pins) but those pins make routing really tricky! 

Is your ADC connected or connectable via jumper to the LiPo? 

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davedarko wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:26 point

and thanks for the credits in the details - although you have a typo in my name ;) you could use the link function with the @ sign.

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Alex wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:30 point

Thank you for your comment!

Yes your had some good additional ideas to the board. Specially the notch under the antenna and the ESP-01 support.

The ESP-12E would be some tricky. That is the cause I had not considered it.  Never the less the ESP-12E is usable with this board, the extra pads are just unsoldered. And I like the ESP-07 much more because of the optional external antenna. 

There are two resistors (voltage divider) on the back, which could be assembled to get the LIPO voltage to the ADC.

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davedarko wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:38 point

Nice nice. Thanks for the changes in the credits :) I should change mine too. For now I'll work only with the ESP12 and ESP01 myself, but I was in the mood for a challenge (and have obviously much less parts to worry about). 

Do you have any projects for it yet? What are you doing with them?

Edit: you are actually already in the credits and the first on the list :)

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Alex wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:46 point

Well, I had not done much with them yet. Mostly testing the examples in the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266.  With my home etched breakout for ESP-01 I started to build a IOT light bulb with own web sever and user interface on the ESP. 

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davedarko wrote 06/05/2015 at 21:54 point

I had the lua server script example from the #ESP8266-01 Breakout running so far... not so sure about actual projects. Maybe clone the #µBob biped robot 

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