
about the CD4029B

A project log for zynthia - sequencer synthesizer

using a 40106, 4051 and a 4029 to make some noise, following the Logic Noise series on the blog

davedarkodavedarko 04/16/2015 at 12:330 Comments

I was looking for a replacement of the 4040 to get the binary out to control the 4051, since my dads drawer was not providing me with that (nor a 4060 / 4020). He had one 4029 with a broken off clock pin that was fixable. The chip is able to count up and down in binary(0-15) or BCD(0-9) and can also be preset (but I won't do that {yet}). I've neglected the up/down and binary vs. BCD part, but it sounds actually interesting to have this option in the box as well, so I will look for some nice switches (SPDT).

These links helped a lot:
