I've been asked for a DIP version and this is basically the latest SMD version with swapped parts and a bigger PCB. Ordered at JLCPCB in red.

check if C2 needs to be a 10th of current value

A project log for zynthia - sequencer synthesizer
using a 40106, 4051 and a 4029 to make some noise, following the Logic Noise series on the blog
I've been asked for a DIP version and this is basically the latest SMD version with swapped parts and a bigger PCB. Ordered at JLCPCB in red.
check if C2 needs to be a 10th of current value
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I liked the components layed in 45 degrees. My OCD dissgees, though!
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not sure what made me do that :D
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The board is cool the way it is! If you're ever going to redesign this board bend the ICs instead of straighten the discrete components, lol!
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