
Tonight I turn it off to see if it "recovers"

A project log for Really, Really! long lasting flashlight for cheap.

Cheap/easy to build *BRIGHT!* flashlight that can bring light to the dark parts of the world and in emergency situations.

david-thomasDavid Thomas 04/18/2015 at 04:500 Comments

Already it has lasted 9 days constantly on.... Not many (actually any) flashlights I know of last that long, with so much brightness. So even now the project is a success.

Today I read 2.7v and .17 amps. The flashlight is still bright enough to light up a room pretty well and very usable as a flashlight. Brightness is now on par or better than my old incandescent 6v flashlight with fresh batteries. The onboard volt meter no longer registers(needs 3v). So tonight I will turn it off to see if it "recovers" like most say. My prediction will be that the voltage recovers, but the amps will still be weak.

Again no charging!


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