
Out with the old

A project log for Open 4,4 Sequencer, Simulated

Logic Based sequencer, play it on the simulator :)

haydn-joneshaydn jones 05/04/2015 at 11:072 Comments

The design for this project is complete within the simulator, but I am abandoning this is favour of a modular 16 step sequencer. I have been speaking to a musician friend lately about what he needs in an instrument and have decided that if I am going to build one, it will be much better than this. Parts are on order, so I may post a new project within a month.


davedarko wrote 05/04/2015 at 13:15 point

Yay, I'm also thinking of going up to 16 the next time :)

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haydn jones wrote 05/04/2015 at 13:51 point

I've been playing with Korg DS-10 on my ds, also gave me lots of ideas.

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