
Revamping a tired Multimeter

So I have a old portable oscilloscope/multimeter that runs on either AA batteries or a mains plug. I want to upgrade it to be rechargable

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We bought a few of these multimeter/oscilloscopes back in 2008 when we were working on the Olympics in Sunny China. I wanted one as a field scope, and the added multimeter bits seemed handy too. The model number is UT81B. It's not the best scope in the world by any means, but as a get-out-of-crap tool it's quite handy.
I remember it saved my bacon on that job, our wireless data system was transmitted through walkitalkies as a FM modulated signal. The snag was, it had 2 speeds, and on the higher speeds, the '1' frequency was being attenuated by the walkitalkies audio filters...... My scope was invaluable for figuring this out and stopping us getting yelled at......
I want to revive it as a bench scope at home, and the biggest failing is it either eats AA batteries or requires a mains plug.
Luckily I happen to have just done a project involving recharging batteries, and this will be ideal for this project, if it works I might nick another one from the office for my toolkit..

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