I needed to debounce a RasPi button in python, and found that the software in this link has problems: sometimes the button press is ignored.
Here's an improved version fixing the problem. It uses the GPIO hardware to initially detect the button press (rising or falling, or both) then uses a timer to detect changes in state for a user-selected debounce time.
A full library file implementation "Button.zip" can be found in the project files section, along with a simple test program.
DEBOUNCE_MS = 50 # Debounce time, in ms
UPDATE_MS = 5 # Update/check time, in ms
class ButtonHandler(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, pin, func, edge='both', bouncetime=200):
self.edge = edge
self.func = func
self.pin = pin
self.bouncetime = bouncetime
self.bounceleft = bouncetime
self.bouncing = 0
self.prevpinval = GPIO.input(self.pin)
def __call__(self, *args):
if self.bouncing:
self.bouncing = 1
self.bounceleft = self.bouncetime
self.prevpinval = GPIO.input(self.pin)
self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_MS/1000.0, self.Tick, args=args)
def Tick(self, *args):
pinval = GPIO.input(self.pin)
if self.edge == GPIO.RISING and pinval == 0:
self.bouncing = 0
if self.edge == GPIO.FALLING and pinval == 1:
self.bouncing = 0
if pinval != self.prevpinval:
self.bounceleft = self.bouncetime
self.bounceleft -= UPDATE_MS
if self.bounceleft <= 0:
self.bouncing = 0
self.prevpinval = pinval
self.prevpinval = pinval
self.timer = threading.Timer(UPDATE_MS/1000.0, self.Tick, args=args)
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