
Garage Parking Helper

This takes the traditional tennis-ball and string to a absurd complexity level. I need a better project name.

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The goal of this project is to provide real-time feedback as one pulls into the garage to see how far in they are, and of course the ideal place to stop. This project aims to be low-cost, and scalable for use in up to a four car garage.

  • 2 × HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Senors used to range vehicle distance.
  • 2 × Trimpot 10K with Knob Used to set desired parked distance from sensor.
  • 1 × Arduino Pro Mini (5v) The Pro Mini is a greate MCU. They are low cost and have an on-board LDO with a 5-12v input range.
  • 1 × WS2801 RGB Strip (32 LEDs) Life Guage -- live too much and you kill the garage (or some of your stuff).
  • 1 × 5v 2A Power Supply LED Strips draw a fair amount of current, as such this is required to power the whole project, MCU included.

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erenemre wrote 01/24/2014 at 19:33 point
Have you already built this? Either way, would love to read more about this. Sounds pretty cool.

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Hari Wiguna wrote 08/17/2015 at 05:11 point

I just happened to see this project in my feed. You might be interested in my project.  I never installed it in my garage, it was just a fun project.

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