- Replicate functionality of the 'verbal morality statute monitor'/swear detector from Demolition Man.
- Detect when a swear word is uttered and sound a warning bell / flash lights / print out violation ticket.
- Replicating the look of the device is not a primary goal. Given the time constraint, my (lack of) knowledge replicating props, and other risks it's not feasible to replicate the look of the device.
Current Plan:
- Software:
Use continuous speech recognition library with keyword spotting to detect swear words. Great summary of options here: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/10384/speech-processing-on-the-raspberry-pi I briefly experimented with Pocket Sphinx and found somewhat unsatisfactory results because it is not optimized for keyword spotting out of the box. The biggest challenge and risk in this project will be getting a satisfactory keyword spotting algorithm to work.
Some things to follow up on here are:
- http://www.quora.com/Speech-Recognition/What-is-the-best-SDK-for-KeyWord-Spotting
- http://sourceforge.net/p/cmusphinx/discussion/sphinx4/thread/69cbc4eb/?limit=25
- Hardware Platform:
Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black are available and should have the power to do continuous speech recognition (based on googling around for speech recognition projects on each platform). Leaning towards using the model B Pi because it has multiple USB ports and an audio out on board.
- Microphone:
PS3 eye camera's microphone. In my testing this device has a good microphone that can pick up audio from a distance reasonably well. Getting it to work with Linux is mostly straightforward: http://renatocunha.com/blog/2012/04/playstation-eye-audio-linux/
- Audio Output:
Nothing fancy is needed here--just need to play a few audio samples like the buzzer and warning message. The audio output on the Pi should be sufficient when sent to a small amplified speaker.
- Printer
Haven't thought much about this yet, but expect a small receipt/thermal printer should be sufficient for printing violations. More info to check out later: http://learn.adafruit.com/internet-of-things-printer
Next steps:
- Install speech recognition libraries and do serious investigation into which can do keyword spotting reasonably well.
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