
Will Robots Destroy our Jobs / Communities?

A project log for WEEDINATOR 2019

The WEEDINATOR project continues .... The inevitability of robots working on farms draws ever nearer ....

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 07/06/2018 at 10:250 Comments
It's the first week of July here at +53 ° latitude, planet Earth and we're all enjoying being outside in the sunshine tending our vegetables. There's no robots in sight - not even on the neighbouring farms ….. yet.

Then again, there's no people visible on the neighbouring farms either, just sheep and a lot of grass. Already, mechanisation has dramatically reduced the number of people working on farms by about 95% in the last 50 years, depending on which country we are in. I remember travelling through Romania 20 years ago and seeing maybe 50 people in a long line digging over a field with sticks. It looked like extremely hard work!

So today, maybe it's more of a lifestyle choice if we want to work outside or not? We don't have to use the WEEDINATOR every day for every job if we don't want to. If the choice is available, maybe some of us would actively choose to weed some brassicas rather than play computer games or endlessly browse social media?

This time next year, the WEEDINATOR will be capable of performing the job in the photo above and in reality, it's a job that 99% of us don't want to do, for whatever reason. If people do actually want to do the job, it's perfectly ok to leave the machine in the garage. There is hope for us to both produce cheap high quality food and enjoy working in the fields. It's just a matter of choice.
