
The Hackaday Prize - Entry Round (Stage 1)

A project log for Jsoknit 2015

Simple embedded software function definition JSON framework.

daniel-sikarDaniel Sikar 08/16/2015 at 00:490 Comments

Time running out for submission so need to get all the bits together:

Entry Round (Stage 1).Complete the following steps

i.Personal Profile. Create a personal profile on, completing all required fields and following all instructions (required of each Participant, including each member of a team). OK

ii.Project Profile. Create a project profile on, completing all required fields and following all instructions (“Project Profile”). Tag the Project Profile with: HackadayPrize. OK

iii.On the Project Profile:

a)Discuss the problem which has been chosen as the subject of the project OK

b)Discuss how this project will work to alleviate or solve the problem OK

c)Publish at least one (1) image to help illustrate how the project might be used. This may be a sketch, schematic, flow chart, rendering, or other type of image. OK
