
Bluz/Spark Smart Lock

Smart lock that fits over your deadbolt and can be controlled from anywhere. Can issue or revoke keys for guests

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I wanted to create a smart lock similar to recent ones on Kickstarter. I 3D printed a harness to hold a servo motor overtop of our deadbolt, so no need to replace the lock. I then used Bluz to control the servo from the Spark Cloud, this allows us to save battery life because it is Bluetooth LE, but it can still work all the time with the Bluz gateway.

I wrote a node.js app to hand out keys. So there is a homeowner app and a guest app. The guest can request keys and the homeowner can grant or revoke them. Once the guest has a key, they can control the servo and lock/unlock the door.

By adding a simple transistor to shut off the servo, the battery life would be months with this type of device since it is Bluetooth LE. The gateway will make sure it is always online.
  • 1 × Servo MG90s mini servo
  • 1 × Bluz DK and Battery Shield
  • 1 × 4xAAA Battery Holder

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