
I caved...

A project log for Mini Laser Cutter

Tiny laser cutter built out of broken DVD drive parts. NOT A PRIZE ENTRY - PLEASE IGNORE!

johnowhitakerjohnowhitaker 06/14/2014 at 07:171 Comment

Didn't have the time to be messing around building H-bridges, so I caved and ordered some easydrivers from AliExpress. 4 bucks free shipping, so not really breaking the bank to get a couple. Got both sleds moving nicely, and wrote a quick python script to direct them by clicking my mouse. rather than flashing grbl I am writing everything from scratch to control the steppers, laser etc through serial - allowing me to do the hard part (g-code interpretation) in python and also opening up other uses without having to re-program the Atmega328.


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Stefan Lochbrunner wrote 12/07/2015 at 15:35 point

4$ is pretty good. I bought a couple of StepSticks a while back which are now down to around to 2$ on eBay. I think they are pin-compatible with those Pololu drivers used in a lot of 3D printers.

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