
Minor update and next round in the comp...

A project log for Timstock Slim - a tool for the autistic

Timstock Slim is a simple tool that helps autistic children to tell them when a task is finished or when it's time for something to happen!

jensandreejens.andree 09/22/2015 at 12:380 Comments

I have had very little time over for tinkering lately, partly due to the school start required more attention from my side than expected/wanted, but such is life I guess... There is nothing that I won't do for my boys and I'm used to meetings and discussions regarding their special needs.

A recent discussion regarding shift registers vs. charlieplexing was interesting and it made me think that perhaps my chosen path was perhaps not the best way forward? I did three different attempts to change the design to a charlieplexed solution - but my routing skills are in no way on par with Dave Jones e.g. and with the important requirement that this should be possible to do at home vias etc are frowned upon and the layout became dodgy to say the least...

The last attempt would've worked I guess but it required an increase in footprint of the pcb - which I've been trying to keep to a minimum from day one, and that's about how far I got with charlieplexing. This is not to say that I won't attack it again in the future but for now other things are more important.

I also had planned a video which not only describes the functionality of Timstock Light in detail but also the methodology behind the tool, and more importantly how it's being used today by many kids. (and adults too)

Sadly there wasn't enough time but as soon as I can I will finish, and post, this video because this is important for many - and cost should (read; must!) not be an obstacle for help.

Thank you all for your kind comments and suggestions! I'm really grateful for this and all your likes and skulls! I've tried to thank all of you in one way or another, but you all are great and proof that together nothing's impossible!
