
28hr Update - Case nearly Finished

A project log for PICxie

An ultra-portable development kit for Microchip Technology microcontrollers!

crypto-neoCrypto [Neo] 05/10/2015 at 08:420 Comments

The case is basically done, all I have to do is add 5 square holes for the MicroSD card, USB Port, switch. And the external I2C bus and 3.3v power line. It's done after that, I think I'm going to sleep though so I have the maximum amount of time between waking up and the deadline.

Thank you for following me during this product development journey! I you get the see how we roll at Mid-Ohio Area Robotics :D. Quality hardware, short lead-times. I can't wait to actually have one of these to demo for everyone, it's so small I'm not sure if I'll even be able to get anything better than potato quality though.
