
Repair # 9 : Garbage Disposal Drain Adapter

A project log for Home Repairs with a 3D Printer

Since moving into a new home a little over two years ago, we've been fixing and improving things all over

makerblockMakerBlock 02/18/2018 at 04:390 Comments

Date: 2/4/2017

The little bit of rubberized plastic for our sink was on it's last legs. It was always either falling down into the garbage disposal or coming out.

My wife asked me to replace the garbage disposal sink ring.  Once I got to the hardware store, I discovered that they didn't have any sink rings for our specific model.  So, I purchased one of each kind they had and returned home.  

Since none of these fit our sink, I had to make an adapter that fit both our sink and the closest fitting sink rink.  My trusty calipers made quick work of everything - measurements of the inner/outer diameters of the sink and sink ring, and OpenSCAD made quick work of the design.

It's a little difficult to see in the photograph above, but the wide black ring you see is the 3D printed part - while the sink ring sits down inside it.

Since this contest entry is really a collection of entries, I've uploaded the STL and OpenSCAD files to Thingiverse here.


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