
Repair # 14: Replacement Fairy Wings

A project log for Home Repairs with a 3D Printer

Since moving into a new home a little over two years ago, we've been fixing and improving things all over

makerblockMakerBlock 02/18/2018 at 06:200 Comments

Date: 6/30/2017

My daughter had this small tiny fairy with wings that were attached with a strip of elastic.  She managed to tear the wings right down the middle.  Above is a picture of what that looked like, with a quarter for scale.  (You can see a line running down the middle of the wings where she tore it).

I turned the photo black and white using GIMP then traced the outline and the "veins" in Inkscape, and used the linear extrude function of OpenSCAD to create a thin set of wings with raised "veins."  I scaled the wings in OpenSCAD until the image of the quarter matched the measurements for a quarter (24.26 mm).  Once printed, a new strip of elastic put the wings back in place.

Since this contest entry is really a collection of entries, I've uploaded the STL and OpenSCAD files to Thingiverse here.


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