
Buck Converter Block

A project log for Smart Battery, Smarter Power Pack

Fast Charging. Charge your portable devices. Use it as a UPS for your BeagleBone/Pi/Home WiFi Network. Or an emergency laptop power source.

kumar-abhishekKumar, Abhishek 10/04/2015 at 17:150 Comments

This is the Buck converter block of the circuit I drew today. The LM3150 is a synchronous buck controller and by suitably choosing the MOSFETs and inductor I can easily get more than 10A out of it but for this application I need only 6.6A . Here's it configured for 5V operation.

The values were generated from TI's WEBENCH tool, and I made some part substitutions on the output capacitor (2x100uF tantalum + 10uF ceramic cap in lieu of OS-CON capacitors) and replacing the proposed MOSFETs with a power block.

You might be noticing that it seems there's only one MOSFET but it's actually a pair of n-MOSFETs arrayed in a H-bridge form - TI calls them power blocks and they seem to be optimized for power converters. It's an interesting concept, let's see how the converter performs when built.
