

A project log for Home security

Home security project based on atmega and ardunio. MQTT gateway for data gathering.

vysocan76vysocan76 12/02/2016 at 09:430 Comments

Timers are new feature present on gateway firmware 1.7.4. As name suggest it allows you to manage remote nodes relays or any outputs by time schedule.

I was inspired to add timers to GW by repetitive resets of my stand alone digital timer outlet bought in hobby supermarket. This nice looking power outlet with relay and display is able to create 8 different schedules based on time and day of week. But sadly it randomly reset it self every 1~2 months, and leaves me to re-program it by its little buttons. After year or so I toss it away, and soldered another wireless node with relay output and started to add the scheduler to GW.


More on blog.
