I'm sure most people reading this already know about how to use resistors with LEDs. I bought a cheap bag of assorted resistors without data sheets to know their voltage drop, so I searched the internet with duckduckgo to find a handy site that has some good guesses for the normal values there so I can get on with specing me resistors. I put it in a quick spreadsheet, and here are the values I got initially:
drop | resistor value | |
Green | 2.1 | 223.0769230769 |
Yellow | 2 | 230.7692307692 |
Red | 1.7 | 253.8461538462 |
Blue | 3.4 | 123.0769230769 |
supply voltage | 5 | |
target current | 0.013 |
I will rummage through my resistors to get close to those and see if I'm happy with the brightness. My target current seems low enough that I can make some pretty bad mistakes here and not worry about it.
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