For ages I've had a Wyse CRT serial terminal sat on one of my tables in my office. It looked great but was never switched on because the whine from the flyback transformer drove me nuts and, now that I'm working from home, I needed the space back. It had to go... but the keyboard had to stay because it's a gloriously solid mechanical thing. Cherry MX switches, double-shot keycaps (that's what the cool kids told me) and loads of heft.
BUT. It's a 27 year old keyboard with a proprietary protocol being spat out of an RJ-11 connector. I could either build some kind of adaptor or completely rewire it. I went for the latter option.
Wyse PCE keyboard
According to Deskthority, 'PCE' means 'PC Enhanced'
Teensy 2.0++ clone
1N4148 diode
Discrete Semiconductors / Diodes and Rectifiers