
Learning about the Motorola 6800. "sixty-eight hundred"

A project log for Making a homemade 6802 computer for fun.

I am going to use an AMI S6802P (Motorola 6802 Clone) and make a computer around it.

jeffrey-paullJeffrey Paull 02/07/2016 at 04:460 Comments

I have been reading about the 6800 series microprocessor. So far I have learned a lot. I would like to learn more but lately been running out of time for my projects. I have a side project not posted that has took some of my time. The rest of my time has been going to my recent marriage. :)

This picture is from Amazon where I got the book even though this isn't what the book I got looks like. I will upload a picture of my book sometime later. :)
