
Model Diesel Engine Starter 3D Printer files

Advantages include:
Lightweight portable and no battery required.
Method uses a wound up spring, held against a ratchet), it's stored energy

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Model Diesel Engine Starter V2
Some hopefully improved files, still need work

Advantages include:

Lightweight portable and no battery required.

Method uses a wound up spring, (held against a ratchet), it's stored energy is released when a button is pulled.

NOTE: This has not been made or tested in any way by me, It is only a basic idea and will require further development. I do not own a 3D printer, (would like one, any offers), so totally un-tested in all respects.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Take care of all safety, such as fast starting Model Diesel Engine, fast moving parts, oil, heat. wear and tear, etc...

All files need some work, but I believe the basics are correct.

NOTE: This has not been made or tested in any way by me, It is only a basic idea and will require further development. I do not own a 3D printer, (would like one, any offers), so totally un-tested in all respects.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Take care of all safety, such as fast starting Model Diesel Engine, fast moving parts, oil, heat. wear and tear, etc...

I am carrying out some re-design :-

All files need some work, but I believe the basics are correct.

  • 1 × 3 D Printer software e.g. Blender; 3D Builder (Windows 10); STL files Redesign and improve files
  • 1 × 3D Printer To printout and build
  • 1 × Model Diesel Engine To test out on see if it works, etc..

  • 1
    Step 1

    All files need some work, but I believe the basics are correct.

    Files download V2

    Files Download free

    Model Diesel Engine

    There are three parts to this model "Model Diesel Engine"

    .3mf indicates 3D Builder, Windows 10 3D Builder files

    All Three Parts.3mf(All the three parts should fit on one plate)

    Main Body.3mf
    Drive Lid with spring.3mf
    Starter Button.3mf

    and the same as STL files

    and .blend files (blender files), but these may require even more work, but no All the three parts as blender files

    All files need some work, but I believe the basics are correct.

    These Notes and Instruction : Model V2.docx

    Image : Model Diesel Engine Starter All Parts.jpg


    All files need some work, but I believe the basics are correct.

    Place use centre from centre of "Main Drive Lid" shaft blolt

    Parts will need to be made level with outer parts

    a) "Main Body", (file : Main Body.3mf ), outside diameter should be 50mm with walls 5mm. A bolt hole should be added, 6mm diameter in the bottom centre with counter sink so a bolt will be flush. There is a peg inside the "Main Body", which should be adjusted to engage with the hole in the "Main Drive Lid" spring.

    b) "Main Drive Lid", file : Drive Lid with spring.3mf ), this should be able to be fitted within the main body and rotate freely with the "Main Drive Lid" top surface flush with the top edge of the "Main Body". So the outside diameter should be 39mm = "Main Body" -10mm for walls - 0.5mm each side clearance to allow turning.

    This Main Lid" height will most likely need adjusting so that it will cause the top edge of the "Main Drive Lid" to be flush with the edge of the "Main Body" once they are bolted together with an allowance for a washer between.

    "Main Drive Lid", has a spring with a hole in the end that should be adjusted to engage the peg inside the"Main Body",

    A bolt hole should be added so that a 6mm bolt, (countersunk or flush with outside), can be screwed in the in the bottom centre. A washer to aid rotation will be needed between the bottom of the "Main Drive Lid" and the "Main Body"

    The spring may need to be modified to suit turning force as well as number of turns it will need to turn to start the Model Diesel Engine.

    c) "Starter Button", (file : Starter Button.3mf ), this part is very likely to need scaling to fit in the hole in the side of the main body, 5mmx5mm square with a pawl tooth to engage the ratchet as well as removal of a small piece, (thin separate triangle). It may also require making into one solid piece, Boolean union. Spring on Starter Button needs some work I believe.

    The idea is that the Lid will fit inside the Main Body and there will be a spring fitted inside this is the reason for the slot.

    The lid part will be turned by hand to wind up the spring, using the tabs on the lid. the ratchet will hold this until the "Starter Button" is pulled outwards their by causing the lid to rotate quickly back.

    Actual 3D print could fit onto one build plate so combining files as on is OK. All Three Parts.3mf or All Three Parts.stl

    Some force and wearing will be produced. Therefore I imaging 90% to 100% infill will be required and suitable plastic.

    3D Printer tweets:-

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